Figure 5.
β-Limit CLD of insoluble glucans. A to H, Insoluble glucans of the given lines were first treated with β-amylase to digest the exterior chains until a branch point was reached. The resultant β-limit glucan was then debranched to obtain linear chains that were analyzed by HPAEC-PAD. Peak areas for chains of DP 2 to 45 were summed. DP 6 was excluded because it showed variable inconsistent abundances (Delatte et al., 2005). Relative peak areas were calculated for each chain length. Values are the mean ± se (n = 4, except n = 3 for ss1isa, ss3isa, and ss1ss2ss3isa). For ease of comparison, the β-CLD from wild-type (WS) and/or isa1isa2 starch is shown in each graph. The data for ss2 and ss2ss3 (marked by asterisks) were obtained from a separately grown batch of plants and the β-CLD from the corresponding wild-type starch is included. WT, Wild type.