Figure 5.
Effect of SiR impairment on the sulfite network enzyme activities. The top (1-2L), the third (3L), and the fifth (5L) leaves (counted from the tops) were collected from 1-month-old SIR Ri and wild-type (WT) tomato plants; enzyme assays in the leaves were performed as described in “Materials and Methods.” The presented values are average ± se (n = 3), where data for SIR Ri plants represent the average of the activities detected in SIR Ri37 and SIR Ri40 plants. ATPS activity is expressed as nmol ATP mg–1 protein min–1, SiR activity is expressed as nmol Cys mg–1 protein min–1, and SO, ST, and APR activities are expressed as nmol sulfite mg–1 protein min–1. The values denoted by different letters are significantly different according to the Tukey-Kramer honestly significant difference mean-separation test (JMP 8.0; P < 0.05). The uppercase letters reflect differences between leaves of the same genotype; the lowercase letters distinguish different genotypes.