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. 2014 Jul 22;4(7):e413. doi: 10.1038/tp.2014.56

Table 1. Studies included in the meta-analysis.

Study Total N Group n (T/NT) Country Type of study (Sample name) Risk of biasa %F Age (years) M (s.d.) Sample type Biomarkers included Biomarkers excluded
Spitzer, et al.42 3047 1653/1394 Germany Population study (SHIP): T/NT Low 52 54 (15) Serum CRP  
Baumert, et al.43 3012 1224/1788 Germany Population study (KORA): T/NT Low 52 56 (13) Blood, N/S CRP IL-18
Cho, et al.44 2716 (Regress.) USA Population study (CARDIA): ELA Low 55 Range 18–30 Plasma IL-6, CRP  
O'Donovan, et al.45 979 (Regress.) USA Stable CVD: trauma Low 19 67 (11) Serum IL-6, TNF-α, CRP Resistin
Danese, et al.46 886 315/551 New Zealand Prospective birth cohort (Dunedin): ELA/no ELA Low 47 All 32 years Blood, N/S CRP, fibrinogen  
Slopen, et al. (C)28 822 (Regress.) USA Population study, subsample (MIDUS)b: ELA Low 53 59 (12) Serum CRP, IL-6, fibrinogen  
Bertone-Johnson, et al.47 700 452/248 USA Population study (Nurses' health study): ELA/no ELA Low 100 44 (5) Plasma IL-6, CRP TNFR2
Rooks, et al.48 482 245/237 USA Population (VET twin registry)c: high/low ELA Low 0 55 (3) Plasma IL-6, CRP  
Plantinga, et al.49 476 108/368 USA Population (VET twin registry)c: PTSD/no PTSD Low 0 56 (3) Plasma Fibrinogen IL-6, CRPd
Slopen, et al. (AA)28 177 (Regress.) USA Population study (AA) (MIDUS+Mke.)e: ELA Low 67 54 (11) Serum CRP, IL-6, fibrinogen  
Tietjen, et al.50 141 90/51 USA Migraine patients (+HC): ELA/no ELA Moderate 100 33 (7) Blood, N/S CRP, IL-6, TNF-α Adiponectin, TGF-β
Smith, et al.51 138 95/43 USA Primary care/GYN: 35 ELA+PTSD; 31 PTSD−ELA; 29 HC+ELA; 43 NTC Moderate 50 46 (11) Plasma IL-1β,IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α IFN-α
Blackmore, et al.52 137 50/80 USA Pregnant women: T/NT Low 100 25 (4) Serum IL-6, TNF-α  
Gouin, et al.53 130 57/73 USA Dementia caregivers: ELA/no ELA High 82 65 (13) Serum IL-6, TNF-α, CRP  
Guo, et al.54 100 50/50 China PTSD/NTC High 53 42 (13) Serum IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-α  
Carpenter, et al.55 92 21/71 USA ELA/no ELA Moderate 51 31 (9) Plasma CRP  
Gill, et al.56 77 53/24 USA 26 PTSD, current; 27 PTSD, recovery; 24 NTC Low 100 34 (8) Plasma IL-6, CRP  
Danielson, et al.57 75 40/35 Canada Undergraduate students: current IPV/no current IPV Moderate 100 20 (2) Plasma IL-6, IL-10  
Cankaya, et al.58 75 64/11 USA Primary care: traumatic lossf/no loss Low 100 ≥40 Serum IL-6 IGF-1
Dennison, et al.59 72 24/48 Ireland Schizophrenia: 24 PSY+ELA; 16 PSY−ELA; 32 NTC High 54 37 (10) Plasma IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α  
Tucker, et al.60 68 54/14 USA Hurricane or mixed trauma: T/NT High 35 36 (12) Serum IL-2, IL-6  
Hepgul, et al.61 63 25/38 UK First episode psychosis: 10 PSY+ELA; 15 HC+ELA; 18 PSY−ELA; 20 HC−ELA High 29 27 (2) Plasma CRP  
Cohen, et al.62 61 48/13 Israel Prospective musculoskeletal injury: injured/NTC Moderate 28 35 (13) Serum IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 TGF-β
Gola, et al.63 60 22/25 Germany PTSD±MDD/HC Low 55 31 (10) Plasma IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-α MCP-1
Hoge, et al.64 56 28/28 USA PTSD/HC Moderate 50 41 (11) Plasma IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-α IL-1α, IL-5, IL-7, IL-13, IL-15, IFN-γ, IP-10+others
Grassi-Oliveira, et al.32 49 30/19 (Regress.) Brazil MDD outpatients/HC: ELA regress. Moderate 100 38 (8) Plasma TNF-α TNFR1, TNFR2
Maes, et al.65 45 13/32 Belgium PTSD/HC High 80 46 (8) Serum IL-6 sIL-6r, sIL-1RA
Janusek, et al.66 40 (ELA regress.) USA Breast cancer Low 100 56 (9) Plasma IL-6  
Symes, et al.67 39 25/14 USA CVD: IPV/no IPV High 100 57 (NR) Serum IL-6, CRP, TNF-α  
Spivak, et al.68 38 19/19 Israel PTSD/HC Moderate 0 29 (11) Serum IL-1β sIL-2r
Gill, et al.69 36 22/14 USA PTSD±MDD/NTC Moderate 42 36 (12) Plasma IL-6  
Groer, et al.70 31 15/16 USA Sexual assault crisis center: raped/HC Moderate 100 Range 18–51 Serum IL-6 IL-10, CRP IFN-γ
Pace, et al.71 28 14/14 USA MDD+ELA/NTC Moderate 0 30 (9) Plasma IL-6  
Bonne, et al.72 26 15/11 USA PTSD/NTC Moderate 73 36 (12) CSF IL-6 IGF-1
Baker, et al.73 19 11/8 USA PTSD/HC High 0 42 (9) Plasma IL-6  

Abbreviations: Blood, N/S, blood, not otherwise specified; ELA, early life adversity/childhood trauma; HC, healthy controls, not otherwise specified; IPV, intimate partner violence; MDD, major depressive disorder; N/S, not specified; NT, non-trauma exposed; NTC, non-trauma-exposed controls; primary care/GYN, recruited from primary care or gynecology clinics; PSY, psychosis; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder; regress., regression model (continuous outcome); T, trauma exposed; TC, trauma-exposed controls.


Risk of bias is based on the modified QAT.41 Overall risk of bias is based on selection bias, study design, percent of recommended covariates controlled,22 use of reliable and valid assessments and use of appropriate statistical analyses.


Caucasian subsample.


Based on analysis of individuals (not twin pairs) and had been described in original study as statistically corrected for clustering.


Subsample of Rooks et al.,49 so overlapping biomarkers were not included.


African American subsample: comprised of MIDUS and Milwaukee (Mke.) samples.


Sudden loss, as defined by TLEQ.74