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. 2014 Jul 30;7:10.3402/gha.v7.23878. doi: 10.3402/gha.v7.23878

Table 2.

Objectives, targets, and planned interventions for selected diseases – 2010/11

Problem Objective Target Activity
High morbidity and mortality rate due to malaria To reduce morbidity and mortality due to malaria by 50% by year, 2015

To reduce morbidity and mortality due to malaria by 7% by June 2011
1) Training to 20 health workers on malaria case mgt.
2) Commemoration of African Malaria day.
3) Computer training to malaria/IMCI data manager.
To provide HATI PUNGUZO for all pregnant woman attending ANC by 100%.
1) Training to 20 health workers on malaria case management.
2) Commemoration of African Malaria day.
3) Computer training to malaria/IMCI data manager.
To provide HATI PUNGUZO for all pregnant woman attending ANC by 100%.
High morbidity and mortality rate due to communicable diseases such as, Diarrhea
Tuberculosis and HIV/AID/STI
To increase proportion of TB cases completed treatment from 97 to 100% by June 2009
To reduce STI/HIV/AID cases
To increase case mgt ability and case detection in all 41 HF.

Reduce HIV infection from 3.1 to 2.0%.
To train 20 clinician/nurses on proper case management for 4 days.
Tracing of defaulters
Conduct supportive supervision to 41 health facilities.
1) Training 20 health providers on proper management of STI.
2) Training of 20 COs on syndomic case management.
To conduct supportive supervision on syndomic case management to 41 health facility.

Source: Kongwa Comprehensive Council Health Plan for the Year 2010/2011.