Table 1.
COX- deficient fibre | Estimated mtDNA deletion length (kb) | Verified mtDNA deletion length (bp) | Size difference (bp) | 5′ Deletion breakpoint | 5′ Breakpoint sequence | 3′ Deletion breakpoint | 3′ Breakpoint sequence | Breakpoint repeat type |
1 | 3.5 | 3715 | 215 | 9576 | atcaccccgc | 13 291 | acaatcggca | No repeat |
2 | 3.5 | 3904 | 404 | 10 265 | tctagaaatt | 14 269 | atcctcccga | No repeat |
3 | 5 | 4977 | 23 | 8482 | tccctcacca | 13 459 | tccctcacca | Direct repeat |
4 | 6.5 | 6994 | 444 | 9075 | aatatcaacc | 16 069 | aagtattgac | No repeat |
5 | 7 | 7479 | 479 | 7939 | actaatcttc | 15 436 | agacgccctc | Imperfect repeat (4/10) |
6 | 7.5 | 7648 | 148 | 6341 | agacctaacc | 13 989 | gcccctactc | Imperfect repeat (5/10) |
7 | 8.5 | 8493 | 7 | 5438 | aaaacccacc | 13 931 | accctagcat | No repeat |
8 | 9 | 9033 | 33 | 6558 | aacaccacct | 15 591 | caattctccg | Imperfect repeat (4/10) |
9 | 9 | 9026 | 26 | 6634 | ctgaagttta | 15 660 | caataatccc | No repeat |
10 | 9 | 9120 | 120 | 6468 | tgatccgtcc | 15 588 | acacaattct | No repeat |
11 | 2.5 | 2880 | 120 | 7236 | gactaccccg | 9516 | ttttaccact | Imperfect repeat (5/10) |
12 | 5 | 4977 | 23 | 8482 | tccctcacca | 13 459 | tccctcacca | Direct repeat |
13 | 6 | 5647 | 353 | 7406 | ccccccaccc | 13 053 | catagaaggc | No repeat |
14 | 6.5 | 6175 | 325 | 7947 | tcaactccta | 14 122 | ttcccactca | Imperfect repeat (4/10) |
15 | 7.5 | 7046 | 464 | 5787 | aagctgcttc | 12 833 | atgccaacac | Imperfect repeat (4/10) |
16 | 9.5 | 9044 | 456 | 6105 | ataatcttct | 15 149 | gtcctcccgt | Imperfect repeat (4/10) |
17 | 10 | 9846 | 154 | 5341 | ttaacctcta | 15 187 | agtaattaca | No repeat |
18 | 6.5 | 6927 | 427 | 8734 | acctgatctc | 15 661 | aataatcccc | No repeat |
19 | 8 | 8026 | 26 | 7634 | tcccctatca | 15 660 | caataatccc | No repeat |
20 | 3 | 3250 | 250 | 12 140 | tcctcttgta | 15 390 | cctcccattc | No repeat |
COX-deficient fibres 1–10 were small COX-deficient fibres, while 11–20 were large COX-deficient fibres. Estimated mtDNA deletion length refers to mtDNA deletion size as measured to the nearest 0.5 kb by long-range PCR and gel electrophoresis, while verified mtDNA deletion size refers to the deletion size ascertained by breakpoint sequencing; size difference refers to any discrepancy between the estimated and verified mtDNA deletion sizes in base-pairs. mtDNA sequences of 10 bp are supplied 5′ and 3′ of the mtDNA deletion, with repeated bases in bold and italicized. Two direct repeats (identical flanking sequences) and seven imperfect repeats (4–9 bp repeated between flanking sequences) were identified.