Figure 5. BDNF Promotes the Colocalization of GABAAR and Gephyrin.
(A) Control or (B) BDNF-treated cells were co-stained with a gephyrin antibody (3B11, green) in combination with an antibody for the α1 subunit (red). BDNF treatment (50 ng/ml for 2 days) resulted in redistribution of α1 immunoreactivity. (C) The number of GABAAR clusters increased after BDNF incubation. (D) Cluster size for α1-containing GABAAR and gephyrin. (E) The number of α1 clusters colocalizing with gephyrin was increased after BDNF treatment. Data presented are the mean ± S.E.M. of 14 cells from 3 independent cultures. Red bars represent α1, green bars represent gephyrin and yellow bars represent GABAAR clusters that colocalize with gephyrin (per 10 μm). BDNF triggers a significant increase in the number of α1 and gephyrin clusters and also increases the colocalization of GABAAR with gephyrin (*p<0.05 or **p<0.01 compared to control cultures using by Student’s t-test). Scale bar in A represents 20 μm and the areas within the white boxes are shown at a higher magnification and represent 30 μm.