Table 2.
CTS Sib |
CTS Mal |
K-Bit-2 Verbal |
K-Bit-2 NV |
WRAT- 3 Read |
WRAT-3 Spell |
WRA T-3 Math |
Withdrawn | Somatic | Anx- Dep |
Social | Thought | Attention | Delinq | Aggres | |
CTS Sibling | 1 | |||||||||||||||||
CTS IPV | .228* | 1 | ||||||||||||||||
CTS Maltreatment | .373** | .544** | 1 | |||||||||||||||
K-Bit-2 -Verbal | .021 | .027 | .115 | 1 | ||||||||||||||
K-Bit-2 -Non-verbal | −.212* | −.203* | −.181 | .534** | 1 | |||||||||||||
WRAT-3 Reading | .015 | −.035 | .038 | .580** | .369** | 1 | ||||||||||||
WRAT-3 Spelling | −.009 | −.063 | .005 | .442** | .278** | .724** | 1 | |||||||||||
WRAT-3 Math | −.154 | .017 | −.108 | .600** | .500** | .466** | .498** | 1 | ||||||||||
WSCT-CV4 | −.123 | −.002 | −.164 | −.260** | −.211* | −.154 | −.073 | −.195* | 1 | |||||||||
BRIEF-SR | −.025 | −.094 | .012 | .092 | .101 | −.088 | −.039 | .142 | −.154 | 1 | ||||||||
YSR Withdrawn | .198* | .039 | .224* | .042 | −.013 | −.050 | −.030 | −.01 | −.001 | .223* | 1 | |||||||
YSR Somatic | .134 | −.101 | .092 | .013 | −.089 | .013 | −.029 | −.096 | −.032 | .206* | .608** | 1 | ||||||
YSR Anxious Depressed | .135 | −.070 | .180 | −.026 | −.033 | −.022 | .115 | −.062 | .084 | .384** | .752** | .616** | 1 | |||||
YSR Social | .154 | .012 | .126 | .078 | −.051 | −.029 | −.006 | −.064 | .074 | .359** | .684** | .604** | .766** | 1 | ||||
YSR Thought | .135 | .056 | .104 | .077 | −.023 | .019 | .054 | −.046 | −.034 | .251** | .607** | .627** | .694** | .648** | 1 | |||
YSR Attention | .187 | −.047 | .137 | .086 | −.052 | −.017 | .017 | −.092 | .058 | .486** | .550** | .558** | .748** | .793** | .619** | 1 | ||
YSR Delinquency | .051 | −.085 | .101 | −.045 | −.203* | −.123 | −.077 | −.134 | −.144 | .210* | .436** | .526** | .453** | .380** | .471** | .465** | 1 | |
YSR Aggression | .167 | .025 | .153 | .133 | −.064 | .083 | .115 | −.021 | −.105 | .366** | .576** | .612** | .648** | .596** | .693** | .663** | .724** | 1 |
Note. CTS = Conflict Tactics Scale; IPV = Interparental Violence; K-BIT-2 = Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Second Edition; WRAT-3 = Wide Range Achievement Test; WCST-CV4 = Wisconsin Card Sorting Task – Computerized Version 4; BRIEF-SR = Behavior Rating of Executive Function – Self-Report; YSR = Youth Self-Report of the Child Behavior Checklist.
p < .05;
p < .01