Brain regions showing differential activation for contrasts of interest in Model 1, which did not include an RT covariate. The left and right hemisphere slices show whole-brain activations at p < .001 voxel-wise uncorrected and p < .05 FWE cluster corrected for 22 participants. Red = [words − pseudowords], blue = [pseudowords − words], green = [irregular − regular words], yellow = [regular − irregular words], cyan = overlap between [pseudowords − words] and [irregular − regular words]. Panels contain plots showing activity (mean BOLD parameter estimate, arbitrary units) at peak voxels from contrasts of interests for each item type: blue = pseudowords, green = irregular words, yellow = regular words. All error bars in this and subsequent figures use standard error appropriate for within-participant designs (Loftus and Masson, 1994). Contrasts of interest represented by each panel are as follows: A) [words − pseudowords], B) [pseudowords − words], C) [irregular − regular words], D) [regular − irregular words].