Two subjects’ scores (slightly altered to preserve anonymity) on the TRIM inventory, with least-squares lines of best fit. Slopes measure the extent to which participants forgave their transgressors over the study period, with steeper negative slopes indicating more forgiveness. Subject A’s scores increased 0.43 units/d, whereas subject B’s scores dropped 1.57 units/d. Thus, subject B forgave to a lesser extent than did subject A (and, in fact, because subject A’s slope is positive rather than negative, subject A seemingly did not forgive at all). The broken line represents the estimated trajectory (bracketed by a 95% CI) for all subjects based on full-information maximum likelihood estimation. On average, participants forgave 0.32 units/d over the interval ranging from day 8 to day 28 posttransgression (P < 0.001; full model results are provided in Table S3).