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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Jun 1.
Published in final edited form as: Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep. 2014 Apr 22;2(2):93–105. doi: 10.1007/s40141-014-0051-4

Table 1.

Clinical trials using BCI and/or robotic-assisted rehabilitation in stroke identified from identifier Intervention (s) Duration of training Participants
Primary outcome measure
Secondary outcome measure (s) Has
NCT00955838 BCI-MIT-manus versus MIT-manus 12 sessions— frequency unknown 40 Motricity score; FMA-UE;
Functional assessments; neuroradiological
NCT01287975 Standard OT versus BCI—haptic knob
versus haptic knob
Three times per week/6 weeks 60 ARAT; FMA-UE Frenchay arm test; grip strength; modified
ashworth scale; FIM; pain score
NCT01897025 Real tDCS + MI-BCI versus sham
(MIT manus)
Ten sessions— frequency unknown 32 FMA-UE RMT of affected Ml; grip strength; box &
block test; MRI parameters
NCT00746525 BCI + FES training for elbow, wrist
and finger coordination
Five times per week/12 weeks 66 FMA-UE; AMAT; EEG;
Strength testing; robotics testing; Wisconsin
card sort; stroop;
NCT01948739 BCI-MAHI-Exo II robotic- training Three times per week/4 weeks 30 FMA-UE motor score JTHFT; ARAT; brain volume of activation;
pain and fatigue scores; grip and pinch
strength; robotic motor measures of
trajectory error and smoothness
NCT01724164 Robotic arm trainer—bimanu-track. Five times per week/4 weeks 100 FMA N/A No
Robotic therapy versus mirror therapy
versus conventional therapy versus
robotic therapy + FES versus Mirror
therapy + FES
NCT01552733 Robotic training (MIT inmotion robot)
versus standard of care
12 sessions, frequency unknown 80 FMA; feasibility (defined as no. of individuals completing 12 sessions) FMA; modified rankin score; barthel Index;
stroke impact scale; NIHSS; ARAT
NCT01689883 Armeo spring UL robotic training +
stochastic resonance stimulation
versus Armeo spring UL robotic
training + sham stimulation
Frequency/duration unknown 20 Grip strength; box & block
Modified ashworth scale; MAL; JTHFT;
*NCT00075283 Gait training with Lokomat versus
conventional gait training
Three times per week/8–10 weeks (24 sessions in total) 50 N/A N/A No
NCT00372411 MIT-manus robotic therapy versus
intense comparison therapy versus
usual care
36 treatment sessions in total over
12 weeks (four blocks of nine sessions each for robotic therapy)
127 FMA-UE Stroke Impact Scale; Wolf Motor function
test; NRS for pain; Modified Ashworth
NCT01945515 Robotic gait training (Walkbot
exoskeleton) + anodal tDCS versus
Robotic gait training + sham tDCS
Five times per week/2 weeks 34 Functional ambulatory
category score
10-m walk test; 6-min walk test; modified
rankin scale; FMA-LE; motor evoked
**NCT01726998 Robot-assisted gait training with
Lokomat (in addition to conventional
PT) versus conventional gait training
Daily for 4 weeks 36 Change in functional
ambulatory category
N/A No
NCT00975156 Lokomat gait training versus
conventional PT
Five times per week/8 weeks (total 40 sessions) 21 10-m walk test 6-min walking distance Yes
***NCT01994395 Stride management assist (Honda’s
walking assist device) versus
Impairment based physical therapy
18 sessions over approximately
8 weeks
58 10-m walk test (change from baseline) ABC scale; NPRS; SS-QOL; mFES; PHQ-
9; TMS; 6-min walk test (change from
baseline); berg balance scale
NCT02114450 Rbot-assisted training with H2
powered lower limb exoskeleton
versus Supervised motor practice
12 sessions over approximately
4 weeks
60 Change from baseline in:
FMA-LE; FGA; lower
limb kinematics during
walking; cortical
dynamics measured by
Change from baseline in: Robotic measure
of performance; berg balance scale score;
distance walked in 6-min walk test; timed
up & go test

This study record is old and has not been updated on, but appears to be published in [50]


No secondary outcome measures were indicated in the database fields, but free text in the description suggests that Motricity Index, Modified Barthel Index, FMA-LE and MRC scores for LE are likely secondary outcomes


This study did not appear in the search results for the terms specified, but is included as it pertains to the Walking Assist Device

FMA—fugl meyer assessment, UE—upper extremity, LE—lower extremity, MAL—motor activity log, MAS—motor assessment scale, ARAT—action research arm test, FIM—functional independence measure, JTHFT—jebsen taylor hand function test, NIHSS—NIH stroke scale, RMT—resting motor threshold, Ml—primary motor cortex, PT—physical therapy, NRS—numeric rating scale, AMAT—arm motor ability test, ABC—activities specific balance confidence, NPRS—numeric pain rating scale, SS-QOL—stroke-specific quality of life, mFES—modified falls efficacy scale, PHQ-9—patient health questionnaire-9, TMS—transcranial magnetic stimulation to measure corticomotor drive, FGA—Functional Gait assessment