Figure 1. Effects of H2O2 on arterioles isolated from skeletal muscle and heart.
H2O2 (1 µM–10 mM) was added to isolated, cannulated, skeletal muscle (initial diameter (id: 191±17 µm, n = 6 arterioles from 6 different animals) or coronary arterioles (id: 110±18 µm, n = 7 arterioles from 7 different animals) with intact endothelium. The arteriolar diameter was recorded and concentration-response (cumulative application) relationships were determined (panel A). Changes in relative arteriolar diameter are shown. Relative diameter changes during vasodilations were expressed as percentages of the difference between the maximum passive diameter (maximum dilation: 100%, determined in the absence of extracellular Ca2+) and initial diameter with positive values, while during constrictions they were expressed relative to the initial diameter (illustrated at 0% on the y axis) with negative values. Asterisks denote significant differences from the initial values. The kinetics of H2O2-evoked responses was studied in isolated skeletal muscle arterioles (panel B; means±SEM with solid and dashed lines, respectively). The effects of the indicated concentrations of H2O2 were recorded for 600 s in the continuous presence of H2O2 (n = 3–5 arterioles at each concentration from 11 different animals). The positions of maximum constrictions and dilations are illustrated by arrows.