Figure 2.
The spikes firing within thalamic-cingulate pathway of rats. Aa, The hematoxylin-eosin staining of the ACC (top) and medial-dorsal nucleus thalamus (bottom), receptively. Arrows indicated the recording sites (top) and stimulation sites (bottom). Ab, The schematic diagram showed the distributions of recording sites in the ACC and stimulation sites in thalamus. B, The top raster plot showed the firing of the spikes recorded in the ACC in response to electrical stimulations in MD thalamus. The start of electrical stimulations was treated as time 0, each vertical bar indicated one AP. The bottom shows the histogram of the relative firing time of the spikes firing in the upper part. C, Data show the frequency distribution of the firing latency of evoked responses under thalamic stimulations. D, Data show the frequency distribution of the jitter of latency of evoked responses under thalamic stimulations. E, Data show the frequency distribution of the CV of latency of cingulate response under thalamic stimulations.