Figure 1.
Method of LI-rTMS delivery in mice. A, Custom-built stimulation coil and 3.5 mm jack used to connect to the pulse generator, modified for its attachment. Coil and jack are shown with (left) and without (right) protective plastic coating. B, Diagram of the stimulation coil in relation to the mouse's head, showing stereotaxic coordinates. The coil was held close to the mouse's head along the midline above the visual cortices, ensuring bilateral stimulation. C, Schematic diagram of estimated (Hall device) magnetic field intensity (in milli-teslas) in the mouse head showing approximate range of field intensities received by brain regions at different depths. The magnetic field is focal to posterior brain regions and thus more focal than the broad stimulation resulting from the use of human coils in mice (Salvador and Miranda, 2009). However, stimulation remains less focal than that induced by butterfly-shaped coils when used in human rTMS studies (Deng et al., 2013).