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. 2014 Mar 21;122(8):769–774. doi: 10.1289/ehp.1308015

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Chemical-similarity maps of small molecules and metals in human blood (Tanimoto coefficient ≥ 0.7; symbol color represents the source category).

(A) All chemicals (n = 1,561; symbol size reflects the blood/serum concentration). Map locations: AA, leucotrienes; AB, perfluorinated compounds; AC, alkylamines; AD, pteridines; AE, pyrimidine nucleotides; AF, aliphatic amino acids and derivatives; AG, sphingo­lipids; AH, organochlorine pesticides; AI, prenol lipids; AJ, sulfur compounds; AK, flavonoids; AL, pyrroles and indoles; AM, pyridines; AN, alkaloids; AO, benzoic acids and phenols; AP, eicosanoids; AQ, fatty acids and fatty amines; AR, steroids; AS, organic acids; AT, monosaccharides; AU, phosphates; AV, alcohols; AW, fatty acid esters and conjugates; AX, polychlorinated biphenyls; AY, simple aromatics; AZ, chlorinated dioxins and furans; BA, sulfates and nitrites/nitrates; BB, purine nucleotides; BC, aromatic amino acids and derivatives; BD, benzoic acids and phenols.

(B) Matching chemicals from (A) cited in studies of chronic-disease risks (n = 336; symbol size reflects the number of citations). Map locations: 1, selenium; 2, nitric oxide; 3, folic acid; 4, vitamin B12; 5, metformin; 6, cotinine; 7, lead; 8, bilirubin; 9, atorvastatin; 10, ascorbic acid; 11, thyroxine; 12, nor­epinephrine; 13, aspirin; 14, eicosapentaenoic acid; 15, magnesium; 16, calcium; 17, sodium; 18, uric acid; 19, creatinine; 20, l-arginine; 21, homocysteine; 22, l-methionine; 23, l-valine; 24, β-carotene; 25, vitamin A; 26, vitamin D3; 27, cholesterol; 28, simvastatin; 29, aldosterone; 30, cortisol; 31, testosterone; 32, malon­dialdehyde; 33, ᴅ-glucose; 34, estradiol; 35, PCBs; 36, ethanol.

(C) Matching chemicals from (A) having human metabolic pathways (n = 658; symbol size reflects the number of pathways). Map locations: 1, adenosine triphosphate; 2, hydrogen peroxide; 3, adeno­sine diphosphate; 4, guano­sine diphosphate; 5, guanosine triphosphate; 6, NADPH; 7, cyclic AMP; 8, adenosine monophosphate; 9, NADH; 10, NAD; 11, FAD; 12, manganese; 13, sodium; 14, calcium; 15, zinc; 16, magnesium; 17, potassium; 18, norepinephrine; 19, epinephrine; 20, ʟ‑phenyl­alanine; 21, ʟ‑tyrosine; 22, dopamine; 23, palmitic acid; 24, cholesterol; 25, ʟ‑glutamic acid; 26, adenine; 27, ʟ‑aspartic acid; 28, oxoglutaric acid; 29, pyruvic acid; 30, phosphate; 31, pyrophosphate; 32, formic acid; 33, uridine 5′-mono­phosphate; 34, uridine 5′-diphosphate; 35, ʟ‑arginine; 36, ʟ‑alanine; 37, ʟ‑cysteine; 38, ʟ‑serine; 39, arachodonic acid; 40, α-linolenic acid.