FIG. 5.
Mitochondrial p53 regulates differentiation-induced apoptotic events in neural differentiation. After transfection with RECQL4-Wt, RECQL4-Δ84, or RECQL4-GST plasmids, NSCs were induced to differentiate for 6 h and 48 h, and collected for flow cytometry and immunobloting analysis, as described in the Materials and Methods section. (A) Representative histogram of MitoSOX Red reagent fluorescence (left) and respective quantification data (right), after plasmid transfection and differentiation. (B) Representative immunoblots of cytochrome c (top) and corresponding densitometry analysis (bottom) in mitochondrial and cytosolic extracts of NSCs after 6 h of differentiation. Results are expressed as mean±SEM fold-change for at least three different experiments. *p<0.01 and §p<0.05 from mock; ‡p<0.01 and †p<0.05 from RECQL4-Wt-transfected cells.