Vero-His cells were infected with control MV-Hedm (i) or retargeted MV
derivatives (ii–vii) for 13 hours prior to replacing the media with
media containing mAbs targeting the receptor binding surface. Average syncytia
size was quantified by counting the number of nuclei per syncytium and
allocating a score (viii) of +/− (≤ 5 nuclei/cells per
syncytium), + (6–20 nuclei/cells per syncytium),
++ (21–50 nuclei/cells per syncytium), or
+++ (>50 nuclei/cells per syncytium) (table viii).
The data is presented as the % of syncytia of the indicated size per 20
syncytia per well. * astrix marks percentage of syncytia that have >
50 nuclei/cells per syncytium in the presence of mAbs BH97, 20H6, I-41