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. 2014 Jul 25;15(1):629. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-629

Table 2.

Main characteristics of transcripts exhibiting an absolute value of log 2 fold change ≥ 3.0 between the two infection conditions

Functional category Number Percentage Main tendancy*
Defense associated proteins 37 5.7 I (35/37)
Proteins involved in oxidative burst/redox status 17 2.6 I (14/17)
Cytochrome P450s 17 2.6 I (16/17)
UDP-glycosyltranferases 16 2.5 I (16/16)
Glutathion-S-tranferases 9 1.4 I (8/9)
Transport 24 3.7 I (22/24)
Amino acid metabolism 11 1.7 I (11/11)
Hormones synthesis and response 35 5.4 I (34/35)
Secondary metabolism 10 1.5 I (10/10)
Ubiquitination 12 1.8 I (12/12)
Signal transduction 96 14.8 I (95/96)
Regulatory proteins 77 11.8 I (72/77)
Photosynthesis 22 3.4 R (18/22)
Translation/Ribosomes 12 1.9 I (10/12)
Lipid metabolism 7 1.1 I (6/7)
General metabolism 7 1.1 R (5/7)
Miscellaneous 102 15.5 I (87/102)
Unknown proteins 139 21.5 I (128/139)
Total 650 100

*Numbers in brackets represent the number of transcripts showing induction (I) or repression (R) among the total number of transcripts in each functional category.