Figure 4.
Histogram of the distribution of the Fixation Index in human genes. For the sake of FI estimation robustness, we selected genes in which Dn, Ds, Pn and Ps ≠ 0 and Pn + Ps ≥ 4. Genes with FI > 15 were not considered for the plot. The total number of genes included in the plot was 2528. Genes in blue are significant by the MK test (p < 0.05). MCPH1 (ENSP00000342924) FI = 1.67; CDK5RAP2 (ENSP00000343818) FI = 2.5; ASPM (ENSP00000356379) FI = 3.75; DDX60 (ENSP00000377344) FI = 7; FBF1 (ENSP00000401215) FI = 10.4; TXLNB (ENSP00000351206) FI = 14.