Figure 5.
Genotype and alcohol effects on Ap3m2 expression in iWSP-2 and iWSR-1 mice. ΔΔCt qPCR of iWSP-2 and iWSR-1 mice exposed to 72 hr of chronic ethanol vapor treatment plus pyrazole injection to stabilize blood ethanol concentrations vs. saline-injected and pyrazole-injected air-treated controls. Both genotype and treatment had a significant effect on Ap3m2 expression level: full model F(5,59) = 7.9606, P = 0.0002; Fgenotype (1,56) = 32.9909, P = 0.0001; and Ftreatment(2,56) = 10.5352, P = 0.00001 with no significant genotype × treatment interaction. Post-hoc comparisons using Tukey–Kramer’s HSD revealed that there were no significant differences between the pyrazole or saline controls but that both groups had lower Ap3m2 transcript abundance than the ethanol-treated mice (P < 0.05).