11a suppresses IFNγ and IL-17 responses in CIA.
Exemplar plots of gating strategy of intracellular IFNγ (A)
and IL-17 (B) expression by DLN cells from representative individual
PBS-treated mice with CIA show forward scatter (FSC) or CD4, CD8,
and γδ expression on the y-axis versus
cytokine expression on the x-axis as indicated. The
number of (A) IFNγ-expressing total DLN cells, CD8+ T cells, and CD4+ T cells and (B) IL-17-expressing total
DLN cells, CD4+ T cells, and γδ T cells following
stimulation with PMA/ionomycin from individual mice are shown (naïve, n = 7; PBS, n = 13; 11a, n = 13). For statistical analysis, **p <
0.01 and ***p < 0.001.