Figure 4. Combination of PARP and PI3K inhibitors as a novel therapeutic approach.
(A) DLP tumor volume change of Ptenpc−/−;Trp53pc−/− mice upon vehicle (n=7), Olaparib (n=8), BKM-120 (n=6) or combination (n=9) treatment. (B) Histopathological analysis of HGPIN status from vehicle (n=3, 1 and 4 weeks pooled), Olaparib (n=3), BKM-120 (n=3) or combination (n=3) treatment for 4 weeks (*p<0.03). (C) H&E staining from (A). (D) Progression free survival of Ptenpc−/−;Trp53pc−/− mice upon vehicle (n=7), Olaparib (n=8), BKM-120 (n=6) or combination (n=9) treatment. (E) Tumor growth of PC3 xenografts upon vehicle (n=5), Olaparib (n=5), BKM-120 (n=4) or combination (n=5) (**p<0.009) treatment. Olaparib=50mg/kg; BKM-120=30mg/kg