Effects of Rg1 on expression of Nrf2 pathway. (A) Rats were subcutaneously injected with CCl4 (0.2 mL/kg BW, twice per week) for 8 weeks, and Rg1 and bicyclol were administered at the last two weeks (once a day). (B) Rats were administered with saline and Rg1 (40 mg/kg) for two weeks (once a day). Western bloting analysis with the indicated antibodies. Histone H3 or β-Actin was used as an invariant control for equal loading. Representative blots were from three independent experiments. Data were expressed as mean±SD. Statistical evaluation was performed using t-test. Nucleus Nrf2 (A, B) and total Ho-1 and Nqo1 (A) were detected and analyzed. bP<0.05, cP<0.01 vs control. eP<0.05, fP<0.01 vs CCl4 alone.