Figure 3. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) and correlation of face/house representational distance with response time.
(A) face (blue dots) and house (red dots) stimuli projected into two-dimensional feature-space based on classic MDS. Average face and house stimuli are plotted as black circles surrounded by a blue and red ring, respectively. Category boundary estimated by linear discriminant analysis is shown as a black line separating face and house stimuli. The LDA boundary correctly classified 100% of face stimuli and 93% of house stimuli. (B) Mean RT plotted as a function of the representational distance of individual face (blue) and house (red) stimuli. Correlation lines are shown for all stimuli (black), face (blue), and house (red) stimuli. (C) Heatmap and correlation coefficients for representational distance and RT for face (bottom row) and house (top row) stimuli across cue type (columns). *p<.05; **p<.01; ***p<.001