Figure 1. Manhattan and QQ plots for GWAS of smoking initiation by gender.
A. Ever versus never smoker among males. Depicts the Manhattan and QQ plots for the association with smoking initiation among males (adjusted for age, age×age, and genotyping batch). The spike on chromosome 17 corresponds to 7 SNPs (rs2567519, rs2714017, rs7406107, rs2714016, rs2714018, rs4793310, and rs2714011) in SLC39A11 with P<1 × 10−5.
B. Ever versus never smoker among females. Depicts the Manhattan and QQ plots for the association with smoking initiation among females (adjusted for age, age×age, and genotyping batch). The spike on chromosome 15 corresponds to 6 SNPs (rs4778038, rs11074052, rs12901615, rs12912184, rs1386775, and rs7171020) near SLCO3A1 with P<1 × 10−5. The spike on the X chromosome corresponds to 20 SNPs (rs4240023, rs4826404, rs2499862, rs4265330, rs5914419, rs2375467, rs2104429, rs1325570, rs4826434, rs4466536, rs4639650, rs17002956, rs7876496, rs5913884, rs2150887, rs12011574, rs12008339, rs5960712, rs6521385, and rs7876062) in the Xp11.21 region with P<1 × 10−5.