Stress increases the secretion of glucocorticoids (GCs), potent steroid hormones that exert their effects on numerous target tissues by acting through glucocorticoid receptors (GRs). GC signaling significantly affects ingestive behavior and taste preferences in humans and rodent models, but far less is known about the hormonal modulation of the peripheral sensory system that detects and assesses nutrient content of foods. A previous study linked restraint stress in rats to diminished expression of mRNA for one subunit of the sweet taste receptor (Tas1r3) in taste tissue and reduced gustatory nerve excitation by sweet compounds. Using RT-PCR, we detected mRNAs for GRα in circumvallate taste papillae and in oral epithelium devoid of taste buds (“non-taste” tissue). Further, circumvallate tissue was significantly enriched in GR mRNA compared to non-taste tissue based on quantitative PCR. Histologically, GR protein was expressed in all taste bud populations examined (circumvallate, foliate and fungiform papillae). Using transgenic mice expressing green fluorescent protein, almost all (97%) Tas1r3-positive taste cells (sweet-/umami-sensitive) expressed GR compared to a significantly smaller percentage (89%) of TrpM5-positive taste cells (sweet-, umami- and bitter-sensitive). When mice (n = 4) were restrain stressed, GR protein mobilized to the nucleus in Tas1r3-GFP taste cells (1.7-fold over controls). Our results suggest that GR can be activated in taste receptor cells and may play a role in specific taste qualities (e.g., sweet, umami, and bitter) to shape how the taste system responds to stress.
Keywords: Glucocorticoid receptor, Stress, Taste, Steroid hormone receptor, Taste receptor cell, Tas1r3
1. Introduction
Glucocorticoids (GCs) are potent regulators of ingestive behavior, notably food preferences and taste behavior. Feeding behavior is strongly linked to the actions of GCs via the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis [5,21]; behavioral stress activates adrenal GC secretion while heightened HPA activity has chronic and transgenerational effects on many behavioral and physiological processes associated with feeding and metabolism [3,38]. For taste specifically, behavioral stress is known to modulate sweet and salt preferences in animal models where sweet preferences and sensitivity are significantly reduced [13,33,41]. Experimental disruption of the HPA axis (e.g., adrenalectomy) can diminish sweet preferences while increasing salt preferences, and hormone replacement (e.g., dexamethasone, deoxycorticosterone acetate) restores these preferences [11,34]. Further, humans with Addison’s disease (depleted circulating cortisol) display increased sensitivity for sweet and salty solutions that is reversed with GC treatment [14], and olfactory thresholds are also lowered in these patients suggesting a shared dysfunction in stimulus detection [15]. Thus, stress and the taste sensory system are demonstrably linked.
Glucocorticoids act through their receptors (glucocorticoid receptors α, β and γ; GRα, GRβ and GRγ, respectively) to elicit transcriptional changes in target tissues [8,39]; GRs can have rapid, nongenomic actions as well [36]. In sensory tissues, activated GRs play protective roles (e.g., prevention of acoustic damage in hair cells [24], protection against photoreceptor loss in retinal cells [40]) and may modulate sensory signaling (e.g., b-wave in the retina [1]), perhaps by activation or transrepression of gene expression. Among chemosensory epithelia, olfactory receptor neurons express GRs that, when activated by GCs, accelerate apoptosis and enhance cell regeneration [32,35]. However, the role of GRs in the taste organ and their activational capacity has not been determined, though glucocorticoid signaling plays a crucial role in feeding and metabolism.
Sweet and umami taste stimuli act on specific G protein-coupled receptors, type 1 taste receptors, encoded by Tas1r genes (Tas1r1, Tas1r2, Tas1r3). The T1r2 + T1r3 heteromer is responsive to sugars and artificial sweeteners [42], while the T1r1 + T1r3 heteromer generates an umami-sensitive taste receptor [26]. Downstream of ligand binding, the transient receptor potential channel TrpM5 facilitates cation influx and consequent depolarization of the taste cell [29]. The present study takes advantage of two transgenic mouse lines engineered to express GFP in either T1r3-expressing cells only (Tas1r3-GFP) or TrpM5-expressing cells (TrpM5-GFP), with the latter indicating the entire population of type 2 taste cells (sweet, umami, bitter) [4,7].
It is currently unknown if steroid hormones that regulate metabolism and ingestive behavior, such as glucocorticoids, target taste receptor cells in the periphery. One previous study demonstrated that chronic restraint stress (8 h/day; 14 days) diminishes Tas1r3 expression in rat taste buds and consequently reduces chorda tympani taste nerve responses to sweet and umami solutions [27]. However, it is unknown if glucocorticoid signaling underlies these changes in gene expression. Here we determined the pattern of GR expression in the taste buds of mice and whether GR can be activated by behavioral stress.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Animals
C57BL/6 (wild type) and Tas1r3-GFP and TrpM5-GFP transgenic mice (>4 months old; both sexes) were used. Mice were euthanized prior to removal of tongues for isolation of taste tissues (circumvallate papillae [CV], foliate papille [FOL], fungiform papillae [FUNG], non-taste epithelium [NT]) and control tissues (adrenal, adipose). CV tissue from Skn-1a knockout (KO) mice (−/− and +/−) was provided by Matsumoto [23].
The care and euthanization of mice in this study was in accordance with NIH Guidelines for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. All of the experimental procedures involving mice in this study were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Monell (IACUC ACC#1155).
2.2. RT-PCR and quantitative PCR
Excised tongues from C57BL/6 male mice (n = 13) and female mice (n = 5) were injected with an enzyme mix (collagenase I [1 mg/ml], dispase II [2 mg/ml]; Sigma) diluted in calcium-free Hank’s buffered saline solution (Life Technologies). Taste epithelia and control non-taste epithelial peels (ventral surface devoid of taste buds) were separated before infiltrating with RNA later overnight at (4 °C) and freezing (−80 °C). RNA was isolated using PureLink Mini Columns (Life Technologies) according to the manufacturer’s instructions with on-column DNaseI treatment (Invitrogen). Samples were purified (RNA Clean and Concentrator kit; Zymo Research) prior to concentration determination on a Nanodrop (Thermo Scientific). Individual cDNAs were synthesized from 100 ng of total RNA using the VILO kit (Invitrogen). cDNA quality was assessed by RT-PCR using intron-spanning control primers (GAPDH) with the Superscript III kit (Invitrogen). Amplification products were visualized using gel electrophoresis (2% agarose with ethidium bromide [Fisher Scientific]). The first round of no-reverse transcriptase controls was negative for β-actin bands (Supplementary Fig. S1), thus these controls were run only once to conserve taste RNA for the remaining samples.
Supplementary figure related to this article can be found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2014.04.047.
RT-PCR reactions were then carried out for CV and FOL papillae and NT epithelium in addition to control tissues (adrenal, adipose) as per the manufacturer’s instructions (Superscript III, Invitrogen). The primer sets were: β-actin, (F: GGCTGTATTCCCCTCCATCG, R: CCAGTTGGTAACAATGCCATGT), GAPDH (F: CCTTCATTGACCTCAACTAC, R: GGAAGGCCATGCCAGTGAGC), GR (F: AACCTGGATGACCAAATGACC, R: GCAGGTTTCCACTTGCTTGT).
Quantitative PCR primers for GR (Nr3c1), α-gustducin (Gnat3) and T1r3 (Tas1r3) were either modified from published primer sets or obtained from PrimerBank: Nr3c1 (same as above), Gnat3 (F: TAGGAGCCGAGAGGACCAAG, R: GCTGGTATTCAGATGCCCTTTC), Tas1r3 (F: CAGGCAGTTGTGACTCTGTTG, R: TGCGATGCAGATACCTCGTG). Reactions (0.5 μl cDNA each) were run in triplicate (Fast SYBR Green protocol; AB Biosystems) with melting curves for every reaction (Step-One Plus machine). Values (Ct) were normalized to β-actin expression levels for each sample (ΔCt method [30]).
2.3. Immunohistochemistry
Tongues were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 2 h at 4 °C then transferred to 20% sucrose (overnight, 4 °C). Taste tissues (CV, FOL, fungiform [FUNG]) were embedded in OCT medium (EMS) and frozen. Cryostat sections (10 μm) were placed on glass slides sequentially such that sections were at least 70 μm apart in depth per slide to avoid recounting taste cells. Slides were blocked (Superblock; Thermo) for 3 h (room temperature; RT) before adding primary antibodies (rabbit anti-GR, sc-1004[M-20]; goat anti-T1R3, sc-22458[N-20], Santa Cruz) overnight at 4 °C and secondary antibodies (donkey-anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 594; donkey-anti-goat Alexa Fluor 488; 1:800; Invitrogen) for 1.5 h in the dark (RT). Nuclei were stained (DAPI, 1:10,000) before mounting (VectaShield). Tissues were visualized with confocal laser microscopy (Leica SP3 system).
The GR antibody was validated by omitting primary antibody and by incubating primary with blocking peptide (Supplementary Fig. S2A–C). We further validated the nature of GR immunoreactivity by testing tongue sections from Skn-1a KO mice that lack all type 2 taste cells [23].
Supplementary figure related to this article can be found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2014.04.047.
Taste buds from Tas1r3-GFP mice (n = 5) and TrpM5-GFP mice (n = 6) were assessed for coexpression of GFP with immunoreactivity to GR. The number of GFP-positive cells containing nuclei (DAPI stain) was counted in Photoshop (Adobe) before counting antibody-positive cells. Percent coexpression was calculated as the number of GFP-positive cells expressing GR divided by the number of GFP-positive cells per taste bud. At least four sections per animal were scored for coexpression in CV, FOL and FUNG tissues from mice.
2.4. Restraint stress
To determine if stress could alter expression of GR within taste receptor cells we stressed male Tas1r3-GFP mice (n = 4; 2 h) by using a standard restraint stress protocol [28]. Briefly, stressed animals were immobilized in conical tubes without access to food or water while control mice (n = 4) were food and water deprived simultaneously for 2 h before processing taste tissues for immunohistochemistry.
An observer (DF) scored taste buds for nuclear expression of GR and was kept blind to experimental conditions while scoring. Taste tissue sections from control and stressed mice were placed on the same slides to avoid differences in staining intensity. The percentage of Tas1r3-GFP cells exhibiting nuclear GR staining was determined per bud per section and averaged per animal.
2.5. Statistics
Relative gene expression values were compared for genes between CV and NT tissues using paired t-tests, and coexpression of GR with Tas1r3-GFP vs. TrpM5-GFP was determined using t-tests (SigmaPlot). Nuclear expression of GR between stress and control animals was also determined with t-tests. α was set at 0.05.
3. Results
3.1. Expression of GR mRNA in taste tissue
By RT-PCR both taste and non-taste tissues expressed mRNA for GR with no apparent difference in expression in males vs. females detected (Fig. 1A and B). The Nr3c1 gene has multiple splice variants that give rise to all known GRs with the dominant form being GRα, so full length GRα mRNA was amplified from the same cDNA samples in a second round of RT-PCR reactions using previously published primers specific to GRα [16]. GRα mRNA was expressed in both taste and non-taste tissues with no apparent sexual dimorphism (Supplementary Fig. S3). When tissue-specific expression of GR was assessed in qPCR, CV was significantly enriched in GR mRNA compared to NT tissue (1.39 fold ± 0.06 S.E.M.; paired t12 = 5.11, P < 0.001) (Fig. 1C). NT tissue showed no expression of taste-specific mRNAs.
Supplementary figure related to this article can be found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2014.04.047.
3.2. Expression of GR protein in taste receptor cells
Taste receptor cells in both anterior and posterior tongue expressed GR protein (Fig. 2). GR was expressed predominantly in type 2 taste receptor cells (Supplementary Table S1). In posterior tongue, the vast majority of Tas1r3-GFP taste cells expressed GR (mean percent coexpression was 96.7% ± 1.5 in CV and 98.2% ± 0.6 in FOL). Double immunohistochemistry in wild type mice verified that all T1r3 immunopositive taste cells expressed GR (Supplementary Fig. S4). However, many taste buds had cells expressing GR but not T1r3 indicating that the set of GR-positive taste cells is larger than and fully contains the set of T1r3-positive taste cells. To determine if GR-positive/T1r3-negative taste cells were type 2 cells we used a TrpM5-GFP reporter line where all type 2 taste cells express GFP [4]. All GR-positive taste cells were TrpM-GFP-positive. Most TrpM5-GFP taste cells were immunopositive for GR (87.2% ± 1.6; t7 = 4.192, P = 0.004 in CV and 93.0% ± 1.2; t9 = 3.501, P = 0.007 in FOL) (Fig. 2, D–F), although the percentages were significantly smaller than those observed for Tas1r3-GFP cells expressing GR. There was no GR immunoreactivity in taste receptor cells of Skn-1a KO mice that lack all type 2 taste cells (Supplementary Fig. S2D–F). Thus, all GR immunoreactivity in taste buds is within type 2 taste cells, although most but not all type 2 cells show GR immunoreactivity.
Supplementary table related to this article can be found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2014.04.047.
Supplementary figure related to this article can be found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2014.04.047.
3.3. Stress induces nuclear translocation of GR in taste receptor cells
In control animals, 36.5% ± 4.3 of Tas1r3-GFP taste cells in CV showed nuclear expression of GR. Restraint stress increased nuclear expression 1.77 fold to an average nuclear expression of 64.9% ± 7.7 (Fig. 3). This increase was statistically significant (t6 = −3.191, P = 0.019). To provide physiological relevance for GR activation in sweet/umami taste cells, we treated mice with dexamethasone and saw reduced consumption of 0.5% and 1.0% sucrose solutions compared to controls in two-bottle preference tests (Supplementary Fig. S5).
Supplementary figure related to this article can be found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2014.04.047.
4. Discussion
Our data provide the first description of a steroid hormone receptor and its potential activation in the peripheral taste organ. GR is expressed in all taste bud populations: CV, FOL and FUNG. GR is specifically expressed in type 2 taste receptor cells, especially T1r3-expressing taste cells known to respond to sweet and umami stimuli. Lastly, translocation of GR to the nucleus in mice is inducible by behavioral stress and provides a potential mechanism for activation of particular genes in taste receptor cells by GR’s actions.
In terms of protein expression patterns, GR was localized to the perinuclear space of taste cells, consistent with what has been seen in another sensory tissue (vestibular cells of the inner ear, [37]). GR translocated to the nucleus following restraint stress in our experiment similar to GR in guinea pig cochlear cells following GC treatment [19]. GR was sometimes apically expressed which may represent a pathway for free steroid signaling from salivary sources, though most salivary steroids are bound by proteins [12]. GC signaling in taste buds, as in other sensory tissues, may rescue sensory cells from damage or accelerate cell turnover [24,40]. GCs also may enhance peripheral sensitivity to the same stimuli via repression or enhancement of gene expression in taste receptor cells.
Taste receptor cells are important targets of hormones regulating metabolism and consummatory behavior (reviewed in [43]). Leptin receptors are expressed by taste receptor cells [18], and endocannabinoids oppose the actions of leptin on sweet taste cells by acting on CB(1) receptors [44]. Steroid hormones have well known metabolic effects on target tissues, and GCs especially have specific effects on feeding behavior that are modulated by the consumption of sweet foods. Nutritive sweet solutions dampen or sometimes block stress-induced effects on feeding behavior in rodents by acting directly on the HPA axis [6], and self-reported stress levels are decreased in men given high calorie meals following stress [22]. Thus, the consumption of sweet foods during stress strengthens negative feedback on the HPA axis, and how GCs modulate the peripheral taste environment is a fruitful research question.
In humans, stress and GCs have a variety of effects on taste perception and sensitivity. Emotional and physical stress can reduce the duration and intensity of taste experiences [2,25,31]. Stress effects on eating can be sex-specific, such as women increasing their consumption of sweet foods following stress [9,45]. This increase may be due to reduced sensitivity to sweet stimuli [2], though sweet taste thresholds in humans can decrease immediately following acute stress exposure [17]. Other tastes are also affected by GCs, such as salt taste thresholds in men that increase following administration of hydrocortisone [10]. For fat preference, inhibition of GC signaling (via RU 486) has no effect, suggesting that the effect of GCs on taste perception may be specific to certain taste stimuli [20]. Taken together, the role that stress hormones may play in regulating human taste remains elusive, but the existing data combine with our results to demonstrate that stress hormones may act directly on the peripheral taste organ.
Supplementary Material
GR mRNA and protein were expressed in mouse taste buds.
CV taste tissue was enriched in GR mRNA compared to non-taste epithelium.
GR was coexpressed with the T1r3 sweet/umami taste receptor subunit in taste buds.
Restraint stress induced nuclear localization of GR in taste receptor cells.
The authors would like to thank I. Matsumoto and M. Ohmoto for donating tissue from Skn-1aKO mice. This work was partially supported by DC000014 (MRP), DC003055 (RFM) and an NIH-NIDCD Diversity Supplement (BC). Aspects of the work were performed at P30 Core facilities at Monell funded by NIH-NIDCD 1P30DC011735-02.
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