Table 2. Biomarkers for Polar Extracts of Wound-Healing Potato Periderms.
Exact mass data obtained from MS-TOF analysis.
Fragmentation data obtained from LC-MS/MS analysis using a 4000Q Trap instrument.
Also among the biomarkers identified in native periderms of these four cultivars (Huang et al., unpublished observations).
Isomeric compounds which were distinguished from each other by their retention times and the intensities of their mass fragmentation peaks.
The wound healing time point is denoted by Wd3 or Wd7, and color coded depending on the cultivar(s) specific for the biomarker. The coloring scheme denotes Atlantic (red), Chipeta (green), Norkotah Russet (blue), or Yukon Gold (gold).
Marker compounds found in all four cultivars that are specific to day 7 post wounding, which is associated with nascent wound periderm development. The (+) sign indicates that the compound in question is a marker for the day 7 time point.
Also among the metabolites identified in native periderms of these four cultivars (Huang et al., unpublished observations).
This compound can be distinguished from gas-phase dimer ions produced as artifacts during MS analysis: the observed m/z value of its molecular ion differs from a simple doubling of chlorogenic acid due to loss of water consequent with dimer formation.