Figure 1.
Photograph and line drawing of A. lepida gen. et sp. nov. holotype (UERJ.MC 2) (above) and detail of the skull in palatal view and right forelimb after further preparation (below). III–V, digits I–V; ani, apertura narinum interna; au, autopodial elements; bo, basioccipital; bs, basisphenoid; cc, centralia; cerhy, ceratohyals; cor, coracoid; cos, costal bone; d2–5, distal carpalia; epi, epiplastron; ento, entoplastron; ex, exoccipital; fpcci, foramen posterius canalis carotici interni; fpp, foramen palatinum posterius; hu, humerus; hyo, hyoplastron; hypo, hypoplastron; i, intermedium; isc, ischium; iscs, ischium scars; lar, labial ridge; lir, lingual ridge; ma, mandible; mx, maxilla; meso, mesoplastron; op, opisthotic; pal, palatine; per, peripheral bone; pm, premaxilla; pr, prootic; pt, pterygoid; ptp, processus trochlearis pterygoidei; pub, pubis scar; py, pygal; qu, quadrate; ra, radius; sk, skull; sq, squamosal; su, suprapygal; trs, triturating surface; u, ulnare; ul, ulna; vo, vomer; xiphi, xiphiplastron. (Online version in colour.)