Figure 4. Oleosin phylogeny in land plants inferred by maximum likelihood analysis of nucleotide sequences.
The topology is rooted by Marchantia polymorpha representing the most basally diverging lineage of land plants, liverworts. The three oleosin isoforms are framed separately. The information followed the second underscore in each terminal node shows the position of intron in oleosin nucleotide sequences. Abbreviations used in Figures 4, 5 and 7 are as follows: OLE, published or submitted oleosin genes in GenBank (For more information, see Table S1 online); ole (lower case), predicted oleosin genes from sequenced species in Joint Genome Institute database in this study; 0 (the number behind the second underscore in terminal node), no intron insertion in encoding region; 1(P), the site of intron insertion before the central domain coding region; (P)1, the site of intron insertion after the central domain coding region.