Figure 7. PAR1, 4 of Chinese tree shrews for antithrombotic testing in vitro.
(A) Protein sequences alignment of PAR1 and 4 from humans, guinea pig and the tree shrew. The data focused on the “tethered ligand” and “conserved 2nd extracellular loop” (ligand binding region) of PAR1 and 4. (B) PAR1 and 4 of the tree shrew can be greatly activated and aggregated by using various concentrations of PAR1-AP (tPAR1-AP: 30 µM, 90 µM, 300 µM ) or PAR4-AP (tPAR4-AP: 150 µM, 300 µM, 600 µM) . Platelet treated with 3 µg/ml collagen and 0.3 U/ml thrombin as positive control; platelet treated with 1 µl buffer B as negative control. (C) Vorapaxar inhibited thrombin-induced human or tree shrew platelet aggregation. Thrombin-induced human platelet aggregation was significantly inhibited with vorapaxar (p < 0.001), and only a slight inhibition (p = 0.1019) in the tree shrew. Platelet treated with 0.08U thrombin as the control.