Figure 1. Il1r1-deficiency rescues the arthritis phenotype of A20myel-KO mice.
a, b, A20 and β-actin mRNA (a) and protein (b) levels of LPS-stimulated BMDMs. c, Hind paws of 20 weeks old mice. d, e, A20fl/flIL1R1+/+ (n=19), A20myel-KOIL1R1+/+ (n=8), A20myel-KOIL1R1+/− (n=15) and A20myel-KOIL1R1−/− (n=9) mice aged 21-30 weeks were clinically scored for arthritis incidence (d) and severity (e). f, Ankle joints sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin; magnification: 40× (top) and 100x (bottom). g, Histological scores of ankle sections of A20myel-KOIL1R1+/− (n=10) and A20myel-KOIL1R1−/− (n=8). P-values in e and g were determined by Student’s t-test.