(A) Lysates from 293T cells transfected with vector, Dock2-Flag, Elmo1-Flag, or mutant Elmo1T629-Flag were IP'd with anti-Dock2 and analyzed by IB with anti-Flag. One representative experiment of three is shown. Relative molecular weights (kDa) are indicated to right. (B) Splenic CD4+ T cells from WT and Elmo1−/− mice were nucleofected with GFP plasmid along with either empty vector, Elmo1, Elmo1T629 or Elmo2 plasmids and assayed for transwell migration to CXCL12 (50ng/mL). The number of GFP+ cells migrating to the lower chamber was determined by flow cytometry and normalized to the total number of GFP+ cells for each transfected population and used to calculate the percent migration for each transfected populations (n = 3, ±SEM).