Figure 3.
Optix expression defines a restricted neuroepithelial lineage. (A) Anterior view of a late third instar brain lobe. G-TRACE lineage tracing was performed using OptixGAL4. The GFP and RFP-labelled OptixGAL4 lineage forms much of the medulla and part of the lamina neuronal cortices, aside from a clear central gap (yellow star). La, lamina cortex; me, medulla cortex. Lamina neurons are labelled by Dac (blue). (B) Anterior view of a late third instar brain lobe. The outer proliferation centre (OPC) neuroepithelium is outlined by the dashed white line. There is a sharp expression boundary (yellow arrowhead) between the OptixGAL4 lineage derived from Optix-expressing neuroepithelial cells (GFP, green) and Vsx1-expressing neuroepithelial cells (red). (B’) Vsx1 is also expressed in medulla neurons that migrate and intermingle with medulla neurons derived from the OptixGAL4 lineage. (C) Larval brain at 12 hours after larval hatching (ALH). Optix (green) and Vsx1 (red) are expressed in complementary domains. Fas II (blue) labels early neuroepithelial cells. Yellow arrow indicates Vsx1 domain. (D) Anterior view of larval brain at 96 hours ALH. Optix (green) and Vsx1 (red) are expressed in complementary domains. Cells outlined by Dlg (blue). Yellow arrow indicates Vsx1 domain.