Figure 8.
Optix misexpression disrupts neuroepithelial organisation. (A-C) Posterior cross-sections of late third instar brain lobes. Cells are outlined by Dlg (red) and Ed staining labels apical cell surfaces (green), indicating the apico-basal axis of the tissue with respect to the brain. Optix misexpression using OptixGAL4 severely disrupts neuroepithelial architecture. Multilayering of neuroepithelial cells (B) and rosette formation (C, yellow arrowheads) were observed, in contrast to the regular pseudostratified structure of wild type outer proliferation centre (OPC) neuroepithelium (A). (D, E)Optix misexpression alters Dlg (red) levels and localisation. Higher levels of apical Dlg are observed when Optix is misexpressed (yellow arrowhead in E). (F, F’)Optix misexpression clones were induced in the neuroepithelium. These clones form rosettes in which Dlg accumulates apically (yellow arrowhead). Clones labelled with mCD8-GFP (blue), cells stained for Dlg (red) and Dpn (green). (D-F) The apico-basal axis of the neuroepithelium is oriented vertically in each image, with the apical surface at the top and the basal surface at the bottom.