Figure 9.
The response of HE(8) and HE(12) motor neurons receiving dynamic clamp-mediated peristaltic synaptic conductance waveforms extracted from ensemble model simulations. A, Intracellular recordings and synaptic conductances (gSyn) of the HE(8) and HE(12) motor neurons receiving the peristaltic 5/19A temporal and synaptic strength profiles (A1), 5/27B temporal pattern and synaptic strength profiles (A2), the 5/27B temporal pattern matched with the 5/22B synaptic strength profiles (A3), and the 5/27B inverted synaptic strength profiles (A4) are shown. An iconic representation of the temporal pattern (left panel) and the synaptic strength profiles (right panel) are shown to the right of the voltage trace (color code: Fig. 1). Organization and symbols as described in the legend of Figure 6. B, Average (±SD; n = 6) peristaltic motor phase progression of the heart motor neurons from experiments described in A. The asterisks and brackets indicate significant differences in the peristaltic motor phase progression between the 5/27B home simulation and both the 5/19A home simulation and 5/27B temporal pattern matched with the 5/22B synaptic strength profiles (paired t test, p < 0.05).