Figure 3. Blnc1 is required for brown adipogenesis.
(A) Oil Red O staining and gene expression. Brown preadipocytes transduced with vector (Vec, filled) or two independent shRNAs targeting Blnc1 (#1 and #2, open) were differentiated for 6 days.
(B) qPCR analyses in adipocytes treated with vehicle (veh) or CL-316,243 (CL).
(C) Immunoblots of total lysates during BAC differentiation.
(D) Immunoblots of UCP1 in differentiated BAC treated with vehicle (veh), CL-316,243 (CL), forskolin (Fsk), or norepinephrine (NE) for 4 hrs.
(E) Fold change of genes regulated by Blnc1 overexpression (red) or RNAi knockdown (blue). Four clusters of genes were differentially regulated by Blnc1.
(F) Mitochondrial DNA content (top) and oxygen consumption rate (OCR, bottom) in differentiated adipocytes.
(G) qPCR analyses of gene expression in fat pads formed from transplanted preadipocytes transduced with control (Scrb) or siBlnc1 retrovirus. BAT and eWAT from transplanted mice were used as control.
(H) Immunoblotting analyses of transplanted fats. Data represent mean ± sd. *p<0.05 Vec vs. #1 or #2 (B, F, G); #p<0.05 BAT vs. eWAT. (See also Figure S4)