Figure 7. Blnc1 is required for full transcriptional activity of EBF2.
(A) Ucp1 mRNA expression. Differentiated BAC expressing Vector (V) or shRNAs targeting Blnc1 (#1 and #2) were treated with vehicle (Veh) and norepinephrine (NE) for 4 hrs.
(B) Immunoblots of adipocytes treated in A.
(C) qPCR analyses of Ucp1 expression in adipocytes differentiated from 10T1/2 cells expressing Vector (V) or shRNAs targeting Blnc1 (#1 and #2).
(D) Immunoblots of adipocytes treated in C. (E) Model depicting the EBF2/Blnc1 feedforward loop in the induction of genes involved thermogenesis. Data represent mean ± sd. *p<0.05 vector vs. siBlnc1 (A, C). (See also Figure S6)