Shape trajectories for vesicles that are physically manipulated. a A DPMC vesicle is heated from (i) to (v). A further increase of the temperature by transferred the shape of the vesicle from a pear to the limiting shape of two spheres that stay connected by a narrow neck (without abscission of the neck). Area increased from 2,570 to 2,820 , while volume changed only slightly from 12,200 to 12,000 . Note that before the heating cycle the vesicle was stiff and did not have any excess surface area. Scale bar 10 . b Time series of the birthing of an inner vesicle through the membrane of a mother vesicle. A DLPE:DPPC 3:7 vesicle was cooled down from (i) to (iii–v). The cooling process created an inner pressure that caused an inner bud (that had formed previously due to a heating process) to be ejaculated from the lumen of the mother vesicle. Scale bar 5 . c Fission of a DPPC:cholesterol vesicle due to the incorporation of lyso-PC. Budding and fission were induced by the local injection of a solution of 1 palmitoyl-lyso-PC. Time after injection are 0, 17, 18, 40, and 240 s for (i)–(v), respectively. Scale bar 10 . a Modified with permissions from reference Käs and Sackmann (1991) (1991) Elsevier Limited. b Modified with permissions from reference Sakuma and Imai (2011) (2011) American Physical Society. c Modified with permission from reference Tanaka et al. (2004) (2004) American Chemical Society