Figure 1.
Ocular surface evaluation tests (Schirmer score, break-up time, fluorescein staining, and Rose Bengal staining) and corneal inflammatory index scoring test scores of groups. A marked increase in aqueous tear volume was observed in MSCs-treated rats, while aqueous tear volume decreased in PBS-treated controls after one week of therapy. The mean BUT score increased in MSCs-treated rats, while the score decreased in the PBS-treated group after one week of therapy. The mean Rose Bengal score decreased in MSCs-treated rats, while scores increased in PBS-treated controls. The mean fluorescein score decreased in MSCs-treated rats, while the score increased in PBS-treated controls after one week of therapy. The mean inflammation index scores decreased in MSC-treated rats, while scores increased in PBS-treated controls after one week of therapy. (∗ = P < 0.05) within PBS-treated group tear volume and break-up time levels were slightly decreased and Rose Bengal score, the mean fluorescein score, and the mean inflammation index scores were slightly increased with no significant difference (P < 0.05) and this might be due to sustained effect of 0.2% BAC or toxicity of diagnostic dyes and repeated manipulations.