Collagen degradation and MMP gene expression of Sca1high ASCs. (A) iWAT- and eWAT-derived Sca1high ASCs were cultured atop fluorescent-labeled type I collagen fibers (red) and the areas of degradation were observed as the loss of fluorescence (black). Arrows point to the focal collagenolysis mediated by iWAT-derived Sca1high ASCs. Higher magnification is shown in the inset. The arrowheads point to the rapid, bulk collagenolysis mediated by eWAT-derived SCA1high ASCs. GM6001 completely blocked the focal collagenolysis of iWAT-derived Sca1high ASCs, but only partially the bulk collagenolysis of eWAT-derived SCA1high ASCs. (B) The expression of the major membrane-type collagenase, MMP14. The gene expressions of MMP2 (C) and secreted collagenases, MMP8 (D) and MMP13 (E), are shown. Each gene expression is normalized for 36B4 mRNA levels. Means ± SEM, N = 3 for each condition.* P<0.05, **P<0.005