Figure 2. hESC-derived cardiac and non-cardiac grafts survive in chronically injured guinea pig hearts.
Histological evaluation of hearts on day +28 post-transplantation. (A) Representative photomicrographs from an hESC-CM recipient demonstrating substantial implants of human myocardium within the scar tissue. By picrosirius red stain (left panel), the scar appears red and viable tissue green. The human origin of the graft myocardium was confirmed by combined in situ hybridization with a human-specific pan-centromeric (HuCent, brown) probe and β-myosin heavy chain (βMHC, red) immunohistochemistry (middle panel and inset to the right). (B) Confocal image of host-graft contact, labeled with HuCent (blue nuclei), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA, green), and connexin43 (Cx43, red). The letters H and G in the figure indicate host and graft cardiomyocytes, respectively. (C) Recipients of non-cardiac hESC-derivatives also showed surviving human graft within the scarred zone, but this human graft was negative for cardiac markers including βMHC. Scale bars=500 μm.