Figure 4. Loss of astrocyte-vascular coupling following vessel co-option by gliomas.
(a) DIC images of vessels without (top) or with (bottom) perivascular glioma cells before and after application of 100 μM trans-ACPD (t-ACPD). Perivascular glioma cell presence was verified by eGFP-fluorescence. (b) Changes in vessel diameter for an arteriole associated (grey) and not associated (black) with perivascular glioma cells over the course of one experiment when exposed to 100 μM trans-ACPD (arrowhead). (c) Average change in vessel diameters observed at high (h) (95%) and low (l) (20%) oxygen for vessels associated (grey) and not associated (black) with glioma cells when exposed to 100 μM trans-ACPD. (d) DIC images of vessels without (top) or with (bottom) perivascular glioma cells before and after application of 10 μM norepinephrine (NE). Perivascular glioma cell presence was verified by eGFP-fluorescence. (e) Changes in vessel diameter for an arteriole associated (grey) and not associated (black) with perivascular glioma cells over the course of one experiment when exposed to 10 μM NE (arrowhead). (f) Average change in vessel diameters observed at high (h) (95%) and low (l) (20%) oxygen for vessels associated (grey) and not associated (black) with glioma cells when exposed to 10 μM NE. For experiments performed at low oxygen concentrations, arterioles were preconstricted with 125 nM U46619 for 20 min. Statistical data provided in results section, error bars refer to SEM. Scale, 20 μm.