Extended Data Figure 7. TRPV1+ nociceptors regulate the expression of il12b and il23a upon IMQ challenge, the inflammatory response to DNFB application, and IL-23 injection can bypass their contribution to activate γδ T cells.
a–c, After 3 days of IMQ challenge, ears were harvested and processed for total RNA isolation and (a) il12b (b) il23a and (c) il12a mRNA levels were analyzed by qPCR (n=5). d, DNFB (0.5% in acetone) was applied topically to DMSO and RTX mice. Time course of change in ear thickness of IMQ treated ear relative to the contralateral ear is represented (n=10). Two-way ANOVA was run to compare ear swelling under DMSO and RTX conditions over time (****, P < 0.0001). e, Representative FACS plots from ears harvested after 24h of DNFB application. f, IL-23R−/− mice were treated with RTX and then compared to WT and IL-23RGFP/GFP littermate controls during IMQ treatment. Ear thickness was calculated relative to the contralateral ear (n=5). g, After two IL-23 injections into the ear skin of WT and IL-23RGFP/GFP mice, the frequency of IL-17F+ cells within dermal γδ T cells was determined by flow cytometry (n=5). h, IL-23 was injected twice into the ear skin of Vehicle- and RTX-treated mice and the total numbers of IL17A+ or IL-17F+ dermal γδ T cells per ear were determined by flow cytometry (n=5).