Table 2.
Region | Contrast | X, Y, Z (MNI coordinates) | X, Y, Z (Talairach coordinates) | White matter label | Nearest gray matter (Brodmann's area) |
Right frontal | LEA<REA | −18, 31, −2 | −18, 30, −3 | Genu of corpus callosum | Inferior frontal gyrus (BA47) |
Right frontal | LEA<REA | −16, 31, −8 | −16, 30, −8 | Anterior corona radiata | Middle frontal gyrus (BA10) |
Right frontal | LEA<REA | −28, 3, 32 | −28, 4, 29 | Superior corona radiata | Subgyral white matter |
Left frontal | LEA<REA | 30, 35, 14 | 30, 35, 11 | Middle frontal gyrus WM | Middle frontal gyrus (BA10) |
Left frontal | LEA<REA | 22, 28, 26 | 22, 28, 23 | Anterior corona radiata | Medial frontal gyrus (BA9) |
Left frontal | LEA<REA | 27, −3, 36 | 27, −1, 33 | Superior corona radiata | Subgyral white matter |
Left cingulate | LEA<REA | 23, 28, 20 | 23, 28, 17 | Anterior corona radiata | Anterior cingulate (BA32) |
Coordinates are the centroid of the cluster and are reported in Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) and Talairach stereotactic space. The nearest gray matter region and white matter labels are provided.