Fig. 5.
TLR9 signaling in DCs and B cells determines TFH cell numbers and phenotype and preferentially favors their expansion over TFR cells. WT mice (+/+) and mice deleted for Myd88 selectively in DCs or B cells were immunized with non–CpG-NPCGG (empty circles) or CpG-NPCGG (black circles) as in Fig. 1 and analyzed by flow cytometry 14 d later. Numbers of TFH cells from unimmunized mice are also shown (gray circles). (A) Total numbers of TFH cells per LN. (B) Pooled data showing frequency of TFH cells (PD-1+CXCR5+) from WT, DC−/−, and B−/− mice as a percentage of activated CD4+ T cells (CD62LloCD44hi FoxP3−). (C) Cell surface expression of ICOS (MFI) of TFH from the draining LNs, displayed as the fold increase relative to WT mice immunized with non–CpG-NPCGG. (D) Percentage of PD-1hi TFH cells, gated as in Fig. S2, in WT and MyD88 conditional KO mice. (E) Shown are representative flow cytometry plots of CD4+CD44+CD62LloPD-1+CXCR5+ TFH cells from draining LNs of WT mice 14 d after the indicated immunization, showing FoxP3 and CD25 expression to define TFR cells. Numbers indicate the percentage of follicular CD4+ T cells that are FoxP3+ in individual LNs. FoxP3+ TFR cells as a percentage of follicular CD4+ T cells at day 5 (F) or day 14 (G) postimmunization of WT littermate control, DC−/−, and B−/− mice with non–CpG-NPCGG and CpG-NPCGG, gated as in E. (H) Total number of TFR cells per draining LN on day 14. (I) FoxP3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells as a percentage of activated extrafollicular T cells (CD4+CD62LloCXCR5−CD44hiCXCR5−) on day 14. Symbols represent individual mice. Statistical analysis was performed as in Fig. 3. A, B, and F–I represent pooled data from two of two replicate experiments; in C, WT, DC−/−, and B−/− data are from three replicate experiments; and in D, WT, DC−/−, and B−/− data are from four replicate experiments.