A: Fluorescent in situ for robo2 mRNA (green) in Stage 16 embryos. Anterior is up. The RP motor neurons are labeled by the lim3a-taumyc transgene (magenta). Filled arrowheads point to robo2+ RP3 neurons; empty arrowheads indicate robo2- neurons. B: Nkx6 mutants have fewer robo2+ RP3 neurons than nkx6 heterozygotes (p<0.001, Student’s t-test). Removing one copy of nkx6 enhances the loss of robo2 in hb9 mutants (p<0.001, Student’s t-test). Error bars = s.e.m. C: Stage 17 embryos stained for FasII. Anterior is left. The arrows point to the muscle 6/7 innervation, while asterisks indicate its absence. D: The percentage of hemisegments lacking the 6/7 innervation was quantified; asterisks indicate a significant difference (p<0.001, Student’s t-test). Loss of nkx6 dominantly enhances the 6/7 innervation defects of hb9 mutants. Error bars = s.e.m. Scale bars represent 10 μm. Nxk6/+ denotes nkx6D25/TM6B. Nkx6/nkx6 denotes nkx6D25/nkx6D25. Hb9/+ denotes hb9kk30/TM3. Hb9, nxk6/+,+ denotes hb9gal4, nkx6D25/TM3. Hb9/hb9 denotes hb9gal4/hb9kk30. Hb9, nkx6/hb9,+ denotes hb9gal4, nkx6D25/ hb9kk30. See also Figure S3.