Figure 6.
Initial ε143Nd (parts in 10 000 deviation of initial 143Nd/144Nd from the average chondrite reference [45]) and μ142Nd (ppm difference between the initial 142Nd/144Nd and the value the terrestrial standard would have at the formation age of the sample when age corrected on the assumption of a chondritic Sm/Nd ratio). Open circles are literature data as cited in the caption for figure 1. The open square is the data for FAN 60025 [17] and the filled square for the same sample from Borg et al. [25]. Filled circles are the Mg-suite data reported here. Evolution lines in parts (a,b) assume a source with chondritic Sm/Nd (147Sm/144Nd=0.196; [45]) followed by evolution with the 147Sm/144Nd ratios shown by the labels on the lines/curves. Evolution lines in parts (c,d) assume an evolution starting from the average 142Nd/144Nd of ordinary chondrites (L, H) [31,47,50,65] with superchondritic Sm/Nd [47] until 4.4 Ga then with a 147Sm/144Nd=0.168, similar to estimated for KREEP [64]. Data for the average 142Nd/144Nd in enstatite chondrites (EL, EH) from Gannoun et al. [66].