Figure 1. Phenotype and kinetics of aged neutrophils in blood.
(A) Flow cytometric analysis of CD62L and CXCR4 expression in Ly6G+ blood neutrophils. n=5 mice.
(B) Number of CD62LLO neutrophils in the blood of WT, PEdKO and Fut7−/− mice. n=8–18.
(C) Scheme of transfer experiments of CD62LLO CD45.2+ and CD62LHI CD45.1+ neutrophils into GFP+ mice. Graphs show the absolute number of CD62LHI or CD62LLO neutrophils derived from donor cells at different times after transfer. Insets show the relative changes of each population. n=5 mice. Statistics are vs. t = 5 min.
(D) Intensity of CXCR4 expression in CD62LHI and CD62LLO neutrophils 5 and 480 min after transfer. n=5 mice.
(E) Density plots and frequencies of CD62LHI and CD62LLO neutrophils among Ly6G+ BrdU+ cells at different times post-labeling. n=5 mice. Statistics are vs. 48h. See also Figure S1B.
(F) Bright-field micrographs of sorted CD62LHI and CD62LLO blood neutrophils (scale bar, 10 μm), and frequency of hypersegmented neutrophils in blood. n=3–4 mice.
(G) Cytometry plots showing CD62L and CXCR4 expression in blood neutrophils at different times of the day. Indicated also are the mean percentage ± s.e.m. of CD62LLO cells out of total neutrophils at each time. The right graph shows the number of total, CD62LHI and CD62LLO neutrophils at the same times. Colored boxes highlight periods of clearance and release. n=5–9 mice. Statistics are vs. ZT5. Data are shown as mean ± s.e.m. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001. See also Figure S1.