Figure 8.
DNA Methylation Patterns at rDNA Repeats Are Affected in HDA6 Mutants.
Genomic DNA samples from wild-type Columbia (1) and Ler (4), the transgenic line DR5 (2), the HDA6 mutant alleles axe1-5 (3) and sil1 (5), and from the DNA methylation mutant ddm1-5 (6) (Jeddeloh et al., 1999) were analyzed. The DNA was digested with methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes CfoI, HpaII, MaeII, and AvaII ([A] and [B]), subjected to DNA gel blot analysis, and probed with rDNA (Vongs et al., 1993). A CfoI digest hybridized with a FWA probe (Saze et al., 2003) is shown in (C).