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. 2014 Aug 11;9(8):e104402. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0104402

Table 1. Baseline characteristics and design features of included trials.

Study N of pts* F, % Age, y Inclusion criteria Prior stroke/TIA Experimental group Control group Duration of Clop+ASA Follow-up
Exp/Ctrl N (%) Duration Lost
CARESS 2005[12] 51/56 31/30 66/63 Stroke/TIA(≤3 m) and carotid stenosis 107 (100) Clop 300 →75 mg +ASA 75 mg ASA 75 mg 7d 7d None
CLAIR 2010[16] 46/52 22/23 59/56 Stroke/TIA(≤7d) and intracranial stenosis 98 (100) Clop 300 →75 mg +ASA 75∼160 mg ASA 75∼160 mg 7d 7d 1%
COMMIT 2005[4] 22961/22891 28/28 61/61 Acute MI with ST changes(≤24 hrs) NR Clop 75 mg+ASA 162 mg ASA 162 mg 14.9d 15d (∼28d) <1%
CHANCE 2013[17] 2584/2586 33/35 63/62 Acute minor stroke or TIA (≤24 hrs) 5170 (100) Clop 300→75 mg ×90d +ASA 75 mg ×21d ASA 75 mg×90d 21d 90d 0.7%
CLARITY 2005[5] 1752/1739 20/19 58/57 MI with ST elevation(≤12 hrs) NR Clop 300→75 mg +ASA 150∼325 →75∼162 mg ASA 150∼325 →75∼162 mg Median of 4 doses 30d NR
Sun JC, 2010[28] 49/50 6/14 66/65 Post CABG 5 (5.0) Clop 300→75 mg +ASA 325→81 mg ASA 325→81 mg 30d 30d None
FASTER 2007[2] 198/194 43/52 68/68 TIA or minor stroke(≤24 hrs) 392 (100) Clop 300→75 mg +ASA 81 mg ASA 81 mg 90d 90d 1.8%
Ussia GP 2011[11] 40/39 50/59 80/81 Transcatheter aortic valve implantation 10 (12.7) Clop 300 →75 mg×3 m +ASA 100 mg ASA 100 mg 3 m 6 m None
CURE 2001[6] 6259/6303 39/38 64/64 ACS without ST elevation(≤24 hrs) 506 (4.0) Clop 300→75 mg +ASA 75∼325 mg ASA 75∼325 mg 9 m 3∼12 m <1%
CASCADE 2010[13] 56/57 9/12 65/68 CABG NR Clop 75 mg+ASA 162 mg ASA 162 mg 1y 1y None
CASPAR 2010[14] 425/426 25/24 67/66 Vascular bypass grafting for PAD NR Clop 75 mg +ASA 75∼100 mg ASA 75∼100 mg 351d 1y (6–24 m) 2.2%
REAL-LATE/ZEST-LATE 2010[18] 1357/1344 30/31 62/62 Stents used >12 m 102 (3.8) Clop 75 mg+ASA 100∼200 mg ASA 100∼200 mg 12.8 m 19.2 m <1%
CHARISMA 2006[3] 7802/7801 30/30 64/64 Multiple athero- thrombotic risk factors, CAD, CVD or PAD 5701 (36.5) 4320 (27.7) Clop 75 mg +ASA 75∼162 mg ASA 75∼162 mg 28 m 28 m <0.5%
SPS3 2012[1] 1517/1503 38/36 63/63 Symptomatic lacunar stroke(≤180d) 3020 (100) Clop 75 mg+ASA 325 mg ASA 325 mg 3.5y 3.5y 2%
ACTIVE-A 2009[7] 3772/3782 41/42 71/71 AF, ≥1 risk factor for stroke§ 992 (13.1) Clop 75 mg+ASA 75∼100 mg ASA 75∼100 mg 3.6y 3.6y <1%

ACS: acute coronary syndrome; AF: atrial fibrillation; ASA: aspirin; CABG: coronary arterial bypass graft; CAD: coronary arterial disease; CVD: cerebrovascular disease; Clop: clopidogrel; Exp/Ctrl: data of the corresponding items in experimental group and control group, separately; F: female; MI: myocardial infarction; NR: not reported. TIA: transient ischemic attack. PAD: peripheral arterial disease.

*Number of patients.

Documented cerebrovascular diseases during previous 5 years.


Risk factors for stroke: an age of 75 years or more; systemic hypertension during treatment; previous stroke, transient ischemic attack, or non–central nervous system systemic embolism; a left ventricular ejection fraction of less than 45%; peripheral vascular disease; or an age of 55 to 74 years and diabetes mellitus or coronary artery disease.