Figure 4. Quadriceps muscle fatigue induced by the constant work rate exercise tests.
Relative voluntary and non-volitional quadriceps strengths lost from baseline as assessed by maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and potentiated twitch (TWq) following the cycle endurance test (CET), the endurance shuttle walk test (ESWT) and the six-minute walk test (6MWT). The CET induced significant quadriceps muscle fatigue defined as a 15% decrease in TWq following exercise (dotted line). Indeed, 12 (57%), 2 (10%) and 3 (14%) patients developed significant quadriceps fatigue following CET, ESWT and 6MWT, respectively. *p≤0.01; # p≤0.05. Values are mean (SE). Figure legend: CET, Cycle endurance test; ESWT, Endurance shuttle walk test; 6MWT, Six-minute walk test; MVC, Maximal voluntary contraction; TWq: Potentiated twitches.